Location: Thames (NZTH)
Date: Monday 24th March
Time: 2:00pm
Location: Tauranga (NZTG)
Date: Tuesday 25th March
Time: 6:30pm
Location: Whitianga (NZWT)
Date: Wednesday 26th March
Time: 2:30pm
Know of an industry event, fly-in or Aero Club social day?
Download from the App store or Google Play to start a FREE 30 day trial.
Then, come back anytime and go to "My Account" to purchase a subscription.
Location: Oamaru (NZOU)
Date: 3rd March
Location: Timaru (NZTU)
Date: 4th March
Location: Ashburton (NZAS)
Date: 5th March
Location: Nelson (NZNS)
Date: 22nd September
Location: Motueka (NZMK)
Date: 21st September
Location: Kapiti Coast (NZPP)
Date: 12th September
Location: Whanganui (NZWU)
Date: 11th September
Location: Hawera (NZHA)
Date: 10th September
Location: New Plymouth (NZNP)
Date: 9th September
Location: Rangiora (NZRT)
Date: 4th September
Location: Te Pae Conference Centre, Christchurch
Date: 25th - 27th August
Location: Te Anau Airport (NZMO)
Date: 23rd July
Location: Gore (NZGC)
Date: 5th July
Location: Taieri (NZTI)
Date: 3rd July
Location: Beachfront Hotel, Hokitika
Date: 17th June
Location: Alexandra (NZLX)
Date: 9th May
Location: Wanaka (NZWF)
Date: 29th - 31st March
Location: Wellington (YWEL)
Date: 25th February
Location: Whakatane (NZWK)
Date: 10th February
Location: Timaru (NZTU)
Date: Wednesday 8th November
Location: Hastings (NZHS)
Date: Friday 3rd November
Location: Hamilton (NZHN)
Date: 18th October
Location: Thames (NZTH)
Date: 17th October
Location: Te Kowhai (NZTE)
Date: 16th October
Location: Oamaru (NZOU)
Date: 13th September
Location: Whangarei (NZWR)
Date: 30th August
Location: Bridge House Lodge, Warkworth
Date: 29th August
Location: Te Pae Christchurch
Date: 6th-8th August
Location: Omaka (NZOM)
Date: 7-9 April
Location: Beachfront Hotel, Hokitika
Date: 30th March
Know of an industry event, fly-in or Aero Club social day?
In a 60-90 minute timeslot, our team can provide an in-person demonstration of the OzRunways and RWY apps. We aim to cover our core features, brand new ones, and a sneak peek of what's in development. Plus, offer ample time at the end for individual Q&As. These free events are valuable for pilots of all skill levels, as well as a fun day/night for all!
Available for Enterprise customers for staff and/or student training. Fees apply at a per-day rate, plus OzRunways team travel expenses.
Minimum 6 weeks notice preferred for NZ events. Pending team availability.