OzRunways subscriptions are valid for 12 months.
Corporate and Government operations? View our Enterpise and Dashboard offerings here.
OzRunways is a CASA approved data provider under CASR Part 175; the app may be used exclusively in all operations.
Essential data and features for pilots flying in Australia
Official VFR DataAll data required for flying VFR in Australia. Includes ERSA, Maps (VTC, VNC, ERC Low, WAC, TAC, 250k Topographic, Apple Satellite Maps), Combined "Hybrid VFR" map. Also includes DAH, AIP SUP's, AIP ENR+GEN and CASA Visual Flight Rules Guide. |
Detailed Flight PlanningSimple and intuitive, yet powerful flight planning interface. Detailed timings & fuels, import winds, multiple sectors, automatic IFR route selection, LSALT, and more. Simple or Advanced aircraft profiles. (Apple devices only) |
Aircraft ProfilesSet up your own aircraft by starting from a large number of models in our library |
Weight & BalanceCalculate weight and balance for each stage of your flight based on fuel load and burn, passengers and cargo. Advanced support for multiple tank aircraft. (Apple devices only) |
NAIPS IntegrationSupport includes TAF, METAR, NOTAM, RAIM, RA Brief and Winds. Submit, Cancel & Amend flight plans. |
Active Restricted AirspaceDisplays active airspace in NAIPS RA Brief as red overlays on the map. |
Weather Radar OverlaysDisplay near real-time precipitation, cloud cover and recent lightning overlaid on the map. Requires cellular connectivity. |
Weather CamerasView live cameras at a growing number of airfields and critical locations. |
Georeferenced Airport DiagramsShow your position on Aerodrome and Apron Charts. |
Fuel PricesView and edit fuel prices at airports you visit. (Apple devices only) |
Flight RecordingRecords GPS track, origin and destination and flight events like take off and landings. Replay and export track files to email and other apps. (Apple devices only) |
Automatic DownloadsSelect what data you want once, and we'll keep it up-to-date. A green tick shows when you have everything ready to go flying. |
PDF Pack GenerationGenerate and save (or print) a PDF containing all weather, planning information, NOTAMS, Weight & Balance, Charts and more. (Apple devices only) |
ADS-B Device IntegrationConnect to GDL90 compatible ADS-B receivers such as Sentry, SkyEcho2, and Stratus3. |
Live Text RecognitionEasily select text on all airfield documents (ERSA/DAPs etc.) so you can quickly copy & paste. |
Dark Mode & Colour InvertSelect from light, app-wide dark mode and device-adaptive. Dark mode colour inversions are also included on approach plates, documents and maps (ERCs/TACs/Open Street Map/PCA only). |
Premium data and features for added safety and situational awareness
All of Australia VFR Standard PLUS |
Graphical NOTAMsThe briefing Area NOTAMs that intersect your track (+/- 5NM) are geographically displayed. Further category filtering is available, and airspace activation times are intelligently merged onto SmartBrief and the main map. AI text decoding translates unfamiliar acronyms into human-readable summaries. |
Night VFR SupportFeatures essential for Night VFR including LSALT Assistant, Terrain Overlay and more (Apple devices only) |
Smart Airfields ListIntelligent grouping of airports allows faster, easier access to plates. Runway diagrams with windsock show current wind conditions for easier runway selection. (Apple devices only) |
SmartBriefAdvanced yet simple weather briefing. Interactive Graphical Area Forecast (GAF), route winds, Area NOTAMs. Every TAF and NOTAM in Australia stored and available offline at any time for maximum safety. |
OzRunways Airfield GuideUp to date listing of thousands of airfields not listed in ERSA, fully maintained by OzRunways. |
Pilot Touring GuideIan Baraclough's Pilots Touring Guide right inside OzRunways. Detailed destination information for more than 280 aerodromes. Complete with runways information, accommodation, transport and local attractions. |
Export plans to Dynon SkyViewPush plans to SkyView over WiFi (Apple devices only) |
Dynon SkyView NavData and MapsDownload and install our NavData database and HybridVFR map on your Dynon SkyView system |
Terrain OverlayBeautifully rendered terrain overlaid onto maps allows you to visualise terrain of concern at your present altitude. (Apple devices only) |
LSALT AssistantAllows faster, easier calculation of custom LSALT using various splays such as RNP2. Terrain along route is visualised along with recommended LSALT based on highest detected obstacle or terrain. (Apple devices only) |
Additional DocumentsAccess to all of Australia CAOs, CAR, CASR, Advisory Circulars, CAAP & Manual of Standards. |
Offline Street Address SearchSupplement the Online Street Address search in VFR Standard with Access to the GNAF street address database, for operations requiring offline access to Street Address Search. (Apple devices only) |
2 tablets, 2 phones and macOSSign-in your UserID to 2 tablet devices and 2 phones and our macOS Desktop App. Mix and match Android & iOS. Increased from 1 tablet, 1 phone in VFR Standard |
All Australian data and features essential for IFR flight
All of Australia VFR Premium PLUS |
SmartPlatesVisualise your approach with dynamic coloured overlays such as Descent Highlighting, MSA Identifier, and Sector Entry Assistant. Supported plates are annotated with SMART in the bookmarks list. (Apple devices only) |
Georeferenced Approach PlatesAll Airservices DAPS charts for IFR including ILS, VOR, RNAV, SID, STAR and more. Georeferenced charts display your position, flight plan and other traffic for increased situational awareness. |
Auto IFR RoutesFlight plan between airports or waypoints suggests automatic ERSA H/L preferred routing, company routes (requires Enterprise Dashboard) and automatic routing where able. (Apple devices only) |
Load RNAV ApproachesRubber-band your flight plan to an RNAV Initial Approach Fix to automatically load the RNAV approach for better timings and increased situational awareness. (Apple devices only) |
ERC High MapsAirservices Australia ERC High maps, including ERC High National merged map. |
New Zealand VFR and IFR maps and full AIP supplied by Aeropath.
Essential data and features for pilots flying in New Zealand
Official VFR DataAll data required for flying VFR in New Zealand. Includes Vol 1&4, Maps (VNC 250k & 500k Hybrid, 250k Topographic, 50k Topographic, Apple Satellite Maps, LINZ Satellite). AIP GEN/ENR/AD. Also includes NZ Civil Aviation Rules, SUP, AIC, Bulletin and NZ Laws & Human Factors Booklet (VFR). |
Detailed Flight PlanningSimple and intuitive, yet powerful flight planning interface. Detailed timings & fuels, import winds, multiple sectors and more. Simple or Advanced aircraft profiles. (Apple devices only) |
Aircraft ProfilesSet up your own aircraft by starting from a large number of models in our library (Apple devices only) |
Weight & BalanceCalculate weight and balance for each stage of your flight based on fuel load and burn, passengers and cargo. Advanced support for multiple tank aircraft. (Apple devices only) |
IFIS Flight Plan SubmissionSubmit domestic VFR and IFR plans directly to IFIS |
Fuel PricesView and edit fuel prices at airports you visit. Useful for planning. (Apple devices only) |
Weather OverlayDisplay near real-time precipitation and recent lightning on the map. Requires cellular connectivity. |
Weather CamerasView live cameras at a growing number of airfields and critical locations |
Georeferenced Airport PlatesDisplay your position, flight plan and other traffic on Airport Plates for increased situational awareness. |
Automatic DownloadsSelect what data you want once, and allow OzRunways to keep it up-to-date. A green tick shows when you have everything ready to go flying. |
ADS-B Device IntegrationConnect to GDL90 compatible ADS-B receivers such as Sentry, SkyEcho2, and Stratus3. |
PDF Pack GenerationGenerate and save (or print) a PDF containing planning information, NOTAMS, Weight & Balance, Charts and more. (Apple devices only) |
PreFlightIntegration with PreFlight (a platform by Aeropath and MetServices) to bring you safety-critical weather and aeronautical information. |
Live Text RecognitionEasily select text on all airfield documents so you can quickly copy & paste. |
Dark Mode & Colour InvertSelect from light, app-wide dark mode and device-adaptive. Dark mode colour inversions are also included on approach plates, documents and maps (ERCs/VNCs/Open Street Map only). |
Premium data and features for added safety and situational awareness
All of New Zealand VFR Standard PLUS |
Graphical NOTAMsThe briefing Area NOTAMs that intersect your track (+/- 5NM) are geographically displayed. Further category filtering is available, and airspace activation times are intelligently merged onto SmartBrief and the main map. AI text decoding translates unfamiliar acronyms into human-readable summaries. |
Night VFR SupportFeatures essential for Night VFR including LSALT Assistant, ADS-B, Terrain Overlay and more |
Smart Airfields ListIntelligent grouping of airports allows faster, easier access to plates. (Apple devices only) |
SmartBriefAdvanced yet simple weather briefing. Interactive Graphical Area Forecast (GRAFOR), route winds, Area NOTAMs. Every TAF and NOTAM in New Zealand stored and available offline at any time for maximum safety. |
Export plans to Dynon SkyViewPush plans to SkyView over WiFi (Apple devices only) |
LSALT AssistantAllows faster, easier calculation of custom LSALT using various splays such as RNP2. Terrain along route is visualised along with recommended LSALT based on highest detected obstacle or terrain including extra buffer for mountainous zones. (Apple devices only) |
Terrain OverlayBeautifully rendered terrain overlaid onto maps allows you to visualise terrain of concern at your present altitude. (Apple devices only) |
Dynon SkyView Database and MapHybrid VFR Map and Waypoint Database to load into SkyView via USB. |
2 tablets, 2 phones and macOSSign-in your UserID to 2 tablet devices and 2 phones and our macOS Desktop App. Mix and match Android & iOS. Increased from 1 tablet, 1 phone in VFR Standard |
All New Zealand data and features essential for IFR flight
All of New Zealand VFR Premium PLUS |
Georeferenced Approach PlatesDisplay your position, flight plan and other traffic on Approach Plates for increased situational awareness. |
Auto IFR RoutesFlight plan between airports or waypoints suggests automatic ERSA H/L preferred routing, company routes (requires Enterprise Dashboard) and automatic routing where able. (Apple devices only) |
Official IFR DataAdditional AIP volumes 2&3 seamlessly integrated into the app |
Jepp FD ExportOpen your plan in the Jeppesen FliteDeck App on iPad (Apple devices only) |
Access to essential aeronautical data for the Asia Pacific region. Includes navigation data, charts, and airport information.
Essential data and features for various locations within the Core Asia Pacific region (excludes AU, NZ & PNG)
Essential Navigation Data |
Core Asia Pacific Region Data |
Basic Performance and FuelCalculate estimated flight time and fuel consumption based on TAS and fuel burn |
Detailed Flight PlanningSimple and intuitive, yet powerful flight planning interface. Detailed timings & fuels, import winds, multiple sectors and more. Simple or Advanced aircraft profiles. (Apple devices only) |
Weight and BalanceCalculate weight and balance for each stage of your flight based on fuel load and burn, passengers and cargo. Advanced support for multiple tank aircraft. (Apple devices only) |
Fuel PricesView and edit crowd sourced fuel prices at airports you visit. (Apple devices only) |
Live Text RecognitionEasily select text on all airfield documents (AIP) so you can quickly copy & paste. |
Dark Mode & Colour InvertSelect from light, app-wide dark mode and device-adaptive. Dark mode colour inversions are also included on approach plates, documents and maps (ERCs/TACs/Open Street Map/PCA only). |
Weather Radar OverlaysDisplay near real-time precipitation, cloud cover and recent lightning overlaid on the map. Requires cellular connectivity. |
ADS-B Device IntegrationConnect to GDL90 compatible ADS-B receivers such as Sentry, SkyEcho2, and Stratus3. |
Flight RecordingRecords GPS track, origin and destination. Export track files to email and other apps. |
Basic Charts and Documentation |
Aircraft ProfilesSet up your own aircraft by starting from a large number of models in our library |
NAIPS IntegrationSupport includes TAF, METAR, NOTAM, RAIM, RA Brief and Winds. Submit, Cancel & Amend flight plans. |
Automatic DownloadsSelect what data you want once, and we'll keep it up-to-date. A green tick shows when you have everything ready to go flying. |
PDF Pack GenerationGenerate and save (or print) a PDF containing all weather, planning information, NOTAMS, Weight & Balance, Charts and more. (Apple devices only) |
NiuSky PNG data and premium features for added safety and situational awareness.
All of APAC Standard PLUS |
PNG Maps, AIP & Approach Plates by NiuSkyNiuSky VTC, ENRC, TAC, and ADCOM charts. |
Georeferenced Approach PlatesSelected NiuSky DAPS charts for IFR. Georeferenced charts display your position, flight plan and other traffic for increased situational awareness. |
Terrain OverlayBeautifully rendered terrain overlaid onto maps allows you to visualise terrain of concern at your present altitude. (Apple devices only) |
OzRunways Airfield GuideUp to date listing of thousands of airfields not listed in ERSA, fully maintained by OzRunways. |
2 tablets, 2 phones and macOSSign-in your UserID to 2 tablet devices and 2 phones and our macOS Desktop App. Mix and match Android & iOS. Increased from 1 tablet, 1 phone in APAC Standard |
SmartBrief Winds AloftAdvanced yet simple weather briefing. Interactive Graphical Area Forecast (GAF), route winds, Area NOTAMs. Every TAF and NOTAM in Australia stored and available offline at any time for maximum safety. |
Glide AssistantView your glide distance to ground level using a real-time glide plot for improved navigation awareness in an emergency. Calculated using the Aircraft Glide Profile (eg 9:1) and forecast GPWT winds. (Apple devices only) |
Smart Airfield listIntelligent grouping of airports allows faster, easier access to plates. Runway diagrams with windsock show current wind conditions for easier runway selection. |
All of Europe west of the Ural Mountains.
The OzRunways Aeronautical map created using official Eurocontrol and national information. Includes standard Eurocontrol AIP, Aerodrome Charts, IFR & VFR departure and approach plates. Dynamic airspace overlay, waypoints, weather and NOTAM. Updated throughout the year.
Not all the countries of the region are included for the subscriptions. Please check it out in the descriptions.
Available countries for this subscription: Brazil, Argentina, Mexico, Colombia, Peru, Chile, Uruguay, Bolivia, Venezuela, Ecuador, Paraguay, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama.
VFR ChartsWAC, TMA and CTR charts for visual navigation |
Weather Radar OverlayRain radar, lightning strikes and cloud cover overlaid on the map |
OzRunways TrafficSee other OzRunways flights on the map, and be tracked over cell network for increased safety |
Customisable HUDCustomise the information you like available at a glance on the main map screen |
Advanced Flight RecordingRecords GPS track, origin and destination and flight events like take off and landings. Export track files to email and other apps (Apple devices only) |
Mix Android and iOS devicesA subscription can be used on any combination of platforms. E.g.: 1 Samsung phone and an Apple iPad |
Available countries for this subscription: Brazil, Argentina, Mexico, Colombia, Peru, Chile, Venezuela, Uruguay.
All of Latin America VFR Standard AND |
Apple MapsSatellite , Hybrid and Standard maps (Apple devices only) |
AIP ManualAccess to the AIP manual in PDF format |
Georeferenced PlatesShows your position on aerodrome diagrams and approach plates |
Street Address SearchStreet address search with auto-completing capabilities (Apple devices only) |
Four devices (2 phones & 2 tablets)Every subscription can be used on two phone and two tablet devices |
ADS-B TrafficSupport for GDL90 compatible ADS-B IN receivers |
Available countries for this subscription: Brazil, Argentina, Mexico, Colombia, Peru.
All of Latin America VFR Plus AND |
Enroute ChartsSuperior and inferior airways charts for instrumental navigation |
IFR Area ChartsCTA, TMA and CTR charts for instrumental navigation |
Smart Airfields ListSmart access to documents for nearby and airport in your plan, with Intelligent grouping of plates for large airports, with easy access to relevant procedures (Apple devices only) |
Export to Jeppesen FliteDeckOpens your plan in the Jeppsen FliteDeck App on iPad (Apple devices only) |
Official maps for South Africa and full support for the continent using ONC, TPC and our own maps.
Official maps and AIP for South Africa and ONC Charts, Our own maps and EUROCONTROL AIP for Africa & Middle East.
Add these options to your account, they are valid with all regions and products, but you must have at least one other product.
Add-on: Worldwide IFR ERC High, ERC Low and select regional VFR extracts from SkyVector.com
Start a free trial from the App store or Play store, then come back anytime and go to My Account to purchase a subscription.