Quirindi RFS - SES
Elevation 1300
CTAF YQDI airport 9NM W of HLS - 127.8
Ground Level twin HLS – Utilise southern most HLS, though both HLS are rated to 10, 000kg. Both helipads are located within a secure RFS/SES compound in a low lying area adjacent the sewerage treatment plant on the western side of Quirindi Township, approximately 350 metres to the south west of Quirindi Hospital by direct line. The site is surrounded by high terrain, the most significant of which is located in the quadrants from South clockwise through to West and from the North West clockwise through to South East with the highest obstacle being a tower at approximately 1800 feet AMSL located 0.8NM to the SSE on the “Who’d a Thought It Hill”. It is anticipated that strong winds from the South West through to North West will prevent westerly approach path being utilised. 100ft antenna located on RFS / SES main building (Illuminated by red obstruction light). Crews may conduct double angle approach from alternative safe direction. Local topography will cause possible turbulence hazard in strong winds while HLS proximity to water may pose fogging hazard when conditions permit fog formation. Potential dust hazard in dry conditions. Local ambulance is required for transport of patient from hospital to HLS which can be organised through ACC.
HLS use permitted for Ministry of Health approved operators only. Fire extinguisher available.